
About the Podcast

The Beautiful Question is written, recorded, and produced by Scott Lennox at HeartRock Studios in Fort Worth, Texas as a way of paying forward to life and being fully present and engaged with things that truly matter in a complex world.

As you listen to these intentionally brief podcasts, you can allow yourself the gift of Stillness, out of which Clarity will naturally arise. You will then be listening to the wisdom of your innate self. My purpose is to support the awakening that is happening all over the planet. Working together, we can build the future we dream is possible. Come dream with me.

-- Scott Lennox

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Scott states directly and clearly things I have sensed but could not define or express well. Extremely helpful in clarifying the ‘lay of the land’ of the mind, and how to navigate through it to something personally eddifying. He understands how we work, and how to work better.

-- Wheest

Listening to Scott’s podcats helps me find more peace and think about my life in new, beneficial ways. Scott reminds me of other great podcasts currently on my playlist such as Tara Brach, Kristen Tippet, and Alan Watts. Scott is tapped into an innate wisdom that will benefit all who listen. Highly recommend: 5 out of 5.

-- Planting Wisdom

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